A Message from the President
God is calling you to begin or to further your formal training in God word. Now you must choose the right seminary. We pray that ATS will be the seminary that you choose to accomplish this calling in your life. We strive to nurture each of our students with biblical training that will transfer to the real world of ministry service. And for over forty years, God has blessed us in our ministry to preachers, teachers, and counselors around the globe. We pray that we can be a blessing to you as well!
ATS has over three thousand full time students who are actively pursuing their degrees. These students are enrolled in Associate, Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate level programs that are Bible-based. And ATS now offers two schools in which ATS students receive specific training for their ministry calling. The School of Theology contains ATS’s traditional distance education programs, with lectures prepared by professors from Dallas Theological Seminary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Trinity, Luther Rice, and other well-respected institutions. The School of Practical Ministry offers research-based degree programs that focus entirely upon expositing key books of God’s word.
ATS strives to offer a program for students from every background and in all phases of ministry service. Hopefully, you will find a program that fits your needs here at Andersonville. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Seminary at 1-800-525-1611 to speak with a knowledgeable ATS Student Advisor. You may also email the Seminary at info@andersonvilleseminary.com for more information.
God bless you as you continue to do His will!
In Christ’s service,
Dr. Jimmy L. Hayes